" Software development teaches you to improve and fine-tune your source code to arrive at the best possible version of your application. Yoga teaches you to improve and fine-tune
your mind-body framework to arrive at the best possible version
of yourself.
-- Bipin Joshi
Meditation Teacher | Software Consultant

Thus said a Yogi ~ Thoughts and musings by Bipin Joshi
Bipin Joshi is an independent software consultant and trainer by profession specializing in Microsoft web development technologies. Having embraced the Yoga way of life he is also a meditation teacher and spiritual guide to his students. He is a prolific author and writes regularly about software development and yoga on his websites. He is programming, meditating, writing, and teaching for over 29 years. To know more about him go here. Details about his ASP.NET and Meditation courses are available here and here.

ASP.NET ArticlesYoga ArticlesBooksOnline Courses
Perform custom validation in Blazor
Validating form data is one of the most common task in any web application. ASP.NET Core offers a set of validation attributes for performing model level data validations. Blazor apps can also make use of the same validation attributes. Some of the validation attributes include [Required], [StringLength], [Range], and [Compare]. At times you want to perform some validation not covered by these attributes. This is when you want to create a custom validation attribute. In this article we will discuss how that can be done.
Posted On : 14 Oct 2024
Use keyed services in ASP.NET Core
A few years ago I wrote an article describing how ASP.NET Core DI container behaves when multiple implementations of an interface are registered. It's time to revisit the concept because .NET 8 has something better to offer -- Keyed Services. I am going to use the same example that I used in the earlier article. We will modify the example for .NET 8.
Posted On : 23 Sep 2024
Store connection string in Azure App Service and Azure Key Vault
In the previous article you learned to deploy an ASP.NET Cor web app in an Azure App Service using two techniques. Recollect that we are storing the database connection string in the appsettings.json file. And we need to change it to match the production setup at the time of deployment. In this article we will discuss two better ways of storing the database connection string. Firstly, we will learn to store the connection string into the Azure App Service itself. And then we will store it in Azure Key Vault.
Posted On : 02 Sep 2024
Deploy ASP.NET Core web app to Azure App Service using Visual Studio Code
In some of my previous articles I discussed using Visual Studio Code and a set of extensions to create ASP.NET Core web apps and Web APIs. In this article I will show you how you can deploy an ASP.NET Core web app to an Azure App Service.
Posted On : 29 Jul 2024
Use IExceptionHandler to handle errors in ASP.NET Core
No matter how carefully you design your web pages and components there is always a possibility that your application throws an error at runtime. To trap and handle such unforeseen circumstances you can use IExceptionHandler interface introduced in ASP.NET Core 8.
Posted On : 20 May 2024
Use access token and refresh token returned by Identity API endpoints
In the previous part of this series we wired token based authentication and Identity API endpoints into our Employees Web API. Now it's time to test and confirm the working of our API.
Posted On : 15 Apr 2024
Use token authentication and Identity API endpoints in ASP.NET Core
If you are following previous articles of this series, you are probably comfortable working with Web API and class library projects in VS Code. We will take our example a step further and add authentication to the Web API.
Posted On : 08 Apr 2024
Work with Web API and Class Library projects in Visual Studio Code
In the previous article you learned to setup Visual Studio Code for ASP.NET Core development. We created ASP.NET Core MVC project and used scaffolding to create CRUD pages. In this article you will create a Web API that exposes the CRUD functionality to its client apps. You will also wrap the EF Core code inside a class library project.
Posted On : 19 Feb 2024
Develop ASP.NET Core apps using Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code or VS Code is a light weight IDE for modern web development. It supports a wide range of programming and scripting languages including C# and .NET Core. It has a very good extensions and libraries. If you are an ASP.NET developer familiar with Visual Studio and are looking to get introduced to Visual Studio Code this article is for you.
Posted On : 06 Feb 2024
Display tabular data using QuickGrid for Blazor
Displaying tables or grids is one of the most common requirements in web applications. There are plenty of third-party grid components available for ASP.NET Core and Blazor. However, if you require basic tabular display with sorting, paging, and filtering abilities QuickGrid component developed by the Blazor team is all you need. In this article we will explore some of the features and abilities of QuickGrid.
Posted On : 08 Jan 2024
कुंडलिनी जागृतीला पोषक पाच मुद्रा
आतापर्यंत गोरक्षनाथांनी आपल्याला आसने, नाड्या आणि प्राणशक्ति यांच्याविषयी काही सांगितले आहे. आता त्यापुढे जाऊन ते कुंडलिनी बद्दल काही सांगणार आहेत. कुंडलिनी आणि तिची जागृती हा अध्यात्ममार्गावरील सर्वांच्याच कुतुहलाचा विषय. काहींना गूढगंभीर वाटणारा तर काहींना भीतीदायक वाटणारा तर अन्य काहींना बुचकळ्यात टाकणारा असा हा विषय.
Posted On : 18 Oct 2024
नवरात्री २०२४
खरंतर नवरात्रीच्या पहिल्या दिवशीच ही छोटेखानी पोस्ट लिहिण्याचा मानस होता पण काही साधकांकडून नवरात्र विशेष साधना करवून घेत असल्याने त्यांच्या शंकानिरसनासाठी वेळ द्यावा लागला. ह्या पोस्टचा विषय थोडासा वेगळा आहे. कोणत्याही श्लोकांचे किंवा ग्रंथाचे निरूपण वगैरे त्यात नाही. मला जे सांगायचे आहे ते संगळ्यांनाच कळेल असं नाही. ज्यांनी दीर्घकाळ साधना केलेली आहे आणि ज्यांचा साधनेचा पाया भक्कम तयार झालेला आहे त्यांना ते समजेल अशी आशा आहे.
Posted On : 04 Oct 2024
प्राणशक्ती जीवाला चेंडू प्रमाणे खेळवते
लेखमालेच्या मागील भागात आपण श्रीगोरक्षनाथांचे शरीरातील नाडीजाला संबंधीचे विचार जाणून घेतले. एकूण बहात्तर हजार नाड्या कंदस्थानातून उगम पाऊण शरीरातील विविध भागात जातात हे आपण माहीत करून घेतले. या नाड्यामधून प्राण ऊर्जा अव्याहतपणे वहात असते. त्या प्राण उर्जे विषयी आता गोरक्षनाथ महाराज काही सांगत आहेत.
Posted On : 30 Sep 2024
त्वं मूलाधारस्थितोऽसि नित्यम्
श्रीगणेशाचे आगमन होत आहे त्यामुळे सर्वत्र उत्साहाचे वातावरण आहे. श्रीगणेश चतुर्थीचा मुहूर्त साधून तुमच्यापैकी अनेकजण विशेष साधना सुद्धा नक्की करणार आहेत. श्रीगजाननाचा कुंडलिनी योगाशी असलेला घनिष्ठ संबंध आणि अजपा जपाशी असलेले नाते आपण आज थोडक्यात जाणून घेणार आहोत.
Posted On : 06 Sep 2024
नाडी कंद आणि दश नाडी वर्णनम्
तुम्हा सगळ्या वाचक मंडळींची श्रावणातील उपासना जोमाने सुरू असणार अशी खात्री आहे. बराच काळ झाला गोरक्ष शतकावरील लेखमाला जरा बाजूला पडली होती. आज ती पुन्हा सुरू करूया. गोरक्षनाथ महाराज आता नाडी कंद आणि नाड्या यांच्या विषयी काही सांगणार आहेत. ते काय म्हणतात ते थोडक्यात पाहू.
Posted On : 19 Aug 2024
अजपा योगाचा रोडमॅप
नुकतीच श्रीगुरुपौर्णिमा होऊन गेली आहे. त्या निमित्ताने तुम्ही सगळ्यांनी बऱ्याच मार्गदर्शनपर गोष्टी वाचल्या, ऐकल्या, पाहिल्या असतील. कदाचित काही विशेष साधना सुद्धा केल्या असतील. त्यामुळे आज कोणतेही निरूपण किंवा क्लिष्ट श्लोक वगैरे घेत नाही.
Posted On : 29 Jul 2024
गुरुपौर्णिमा २०२४
आपल्या अशक्त आणि दुबळ्या मुलावर आई-वडील अधिक प्रेम करत असतात कारण त्यांना माहीत असतं की आपल्या शिवाय हा तग धरू शकणार नाही. माझ्या योगजीवनात भगवान महादेव बाबा आणि गौरा माईने मला अक्षरशः तशी माया दिलेली आहे.
Posted On : 21 Jul 2024
भारतवर्षात आजवर अनेक सत्पुरुष होऊन गेले. अध्यात्म जगतातील अनेक जण या सत्पुरुषांची भक्ती, उपासना करतांना आपल्याला दिसतात. यांतील काही सत्पुरुषांचे मठ, आश्रम, समाधी स्थळे वगैरे ठिकाणे सुद्धा अतिशय लोकप्रिय आणि सर्वज्ञात आहेत. या सत्पुरुषांच्या भक्तमंडळींच्या उपासनेत एक गोष्ट तुम्हाला हमखास आढळून येईल ती म्हणजे त्यांनी केलेला त्या-त्या सत्पुरुषाच्या नावाचा जयकार. कित्येकदा या जयकाराचे वाक्य सुद्धा त्या-त्या सत्पुरुषांच्या मठ-मंदिरांच्या भिंतींवर अंकित केलेले तुम्हाला आढळून येईल.
Posted On : 19 Jul 2024
शिव-पार्वती संवादरूपी श्रीगुरुगीता
गोरक्ष शतका वरील लेखमाला जरा थंडावली आहे. त्याला एक कारण आहे ते म्हणजे आगामी श्रीगुरुपौर्णिमा. माझ्या काही स्टुडंटस कडून मागील पौर्णिमा ते आगामी पौर्णिमा या कालखंडात काही साधना / उपासना करवून घेत आहे त्यामुळे त्यात व्यग्र आहे. आजचा हा लेख खरंतर अचानकच लिहायला घेतला. लेखात नक्की काय सांगायचे आहे हे देखील मनात जुळवलेले नाही. पाहूया श्रीगुरुमंडलाच्या इच्छेने लेखणीतून काय उतरतेय ते.
Posted On : 08 Jul 2024
देहातील कामरूप पीठ आणि कामाख्या देवी
मी मागील लेखात सांगितल्या प्रमाणे तुम्ही जर योग आणि तंत्र यांमधील परस्पर संबंध जाणत नसाल तर मग वरील श्लोक तुम्हाला नीटसासे कळणार नाही. त्यातील संकल्पना नीट उलगडणार नाहीत. कुंडलिनी योगाच्या बाबतीत हे रीडिंग बीटवीन द लाईन्स खूप महत्वाचे आहे कारण त्या शिवाय प्राचीन योगग्रंथ काय म्हणत आहेत ते नीट कळत नाही.
Posted On : 28 May 2024
Beginning Database Programming Using ASP.NET Core 3
(Apress, December 2019)

Hit the ground running with this book to quickly learn the fundamentals of HTML form processing, user authentication, and database CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations using the ASP.NET Core family of technologies. You will utilize cutting-edge and popular technology options from both the server side and client side to help you achieve your web application goals as quickly as possible.
Beginning XML with C# 7
(Apress, November 2017)

Master the basics of XML as well as the namespaces and objects you need to know in order to work efficiently with XML. You'll learn extensive support for XML in everything from data access to configuration, from raw parsing to code documentation. You will see clear, practical examples that illustrate best practices in implementing XML APIs and services as part of your C#-based Windows applications. In this book, you’ll discover the integration of XML with ADO.NET and LINQ as well as additional .NET support for today's RESTful web services and Web API. Written by a Microsoft Certified Professional and developer, this book demystifies everything to do with XML and C# 7.
Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers
(Apress, March 2016)

This book teaches you all the essential knowledge required to learn and apply time-proven SOLID principles of object-oriented design and important design patterns in ASP.NET 5 (recently renamed ASP.NET Core 1.0) applications. You will learn to write server-side as well as client-side code that makes use of proven practices and patterns. This book contains detailed descriptions of how to apply Creational, Structural and Behavioral GoF design patterns along with some Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Also covered are a few Popular JavaScript code organization techniques and patterns.
Beginning jQuery 2 for ASP.NET Developers
(APress, December 2013)

Beginning jQuery 2 for ASP.NET Developers teaches you to harness the power, versatility and extensibility of jQuery in your ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC applications. By combining jQuery with ASP.NET you get the best of both worlds: the client-side interactivity and responsiveness of JavaScript with the robustness and extensibility of Microsoft's web stack. Beginning jQuery 2 for ASP.NET Developers shows you how.
HTML5 Programming for ASP.NET Developers
(APress, November 2012)

HTML5 Programming for ASP.NET Developers teaches you to harness the power and flexibility of HTML5 in your ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC applications. Focusing on the programmable features of HTML5 that will be most useful to you as an ASP.NET developer, this book will take you straight to the heart of what you can get out of this new technology.
नाथ संकेतींचा दंशु
(फेब्रुवारी २०१५)

कुंडलिनी योगमार्ग विनाकारण गुढतेच्या आणि क्लिष्टतेच्या वलयात झाकोळला गेला आहे. सर्वसामान्य संसारी साधक कुंडलिनी योगमार्गापासून दूरच राहिला आहे. कुंडलिनी योगमार्गाच्या अनेक परंपरा आहेत. त्यांच्या साधनामार्गातही भिन्नता आहे. या सर्व पसार्‍यातून सर्वसामान्य साधकाला समजतील, जमतील आणि फायदा मिळवून देतील अशी मूलतत्वे आणि साधना यांचे सहज सोप्या भाषेत विश्लेषण करणे हे या पुस्तकाचे मुख्य उद्दीष्ट आहे.
(मार्च २०११)

भारतवर्षामधे अनादी काळापासून शिवोपासना आणि योग प्रचलित आहे. कूर्म पूराणात निःसंदिग्धपणे असे सांगितले आहे की शंकर हे कलियुगातल्या मानवांसाठीचे दैवत आहे. शिव उपासनेचे योगमार्गावरील महत्व, शिवलिंग, पुजा इत्यादींचा योगशास्त्रीय अर्थ, शैव दर्शनाची मुलतत्वे, रुद्राक्षधारण विधी, कालसापेक्ष शिव उपासना कशी करावी इत्यादी गोष्टी सोप्या भाषेत विशद करणारे पुस्तक.
देवाच्या डाव्या हाती
(प्रथम आवृत्ती - मार्च २००९, द्वितीय आवृत्ती - ऑक्टोबर २०११, तृतीय आवृत्ती - फेब्रुवारी २०१७)

कुंडलिनी योग अध्यात्म जीवनाचा राजमार्ग आहे. जगदंबा कुंडलिनीला जागृत करून तीचे सहस्रार स्थित शिवाशी सामरस्य घडवून आणणे हे कुंडलिनी योगमार्गाचे मुलतत्व. अनेकदा कुंडलिनी योग गूढतेच्या अनावश्यक धुक्याने वेढलेला आठळतो. हा मार्ग फक्त जंगलात वा हिमालयात वास्तव्य करणार्‍या योग्यांसाठीच आहे असा गैरसमज बहुतांशी लोकांमधे आढळतो. देवाच्या डाव्या हाती' या पुस्तकात श्री. बिपीन जोशी यांनी स्वतःचे कुंडलिनी योगमार्गावरील अनुभव विषद केले आहेत. एक नवखा साधक ते योगी या प्रवासात त्यांना कोणत्या अडचणी आल्या, त्यांनी मोठ्या जिद्दीने हा प्रवास कसा पार केला याचे प्रभावी वर्णन या पुस्तकात आढळते. 
Beginning XML with C# 2008: From Novice to Professional
(APress, April 2008)

Beginning XML with C# 2008 focuses on XML and how it is used within .NET 3.5. As you’d expect of a modern application framework, .NET 3.5 has extensive support for XML in everything from data access to configuration, from raw parsing to code documentation. This book demystifies all of this. It explains the basics of XML as well as the namespaces and objects you need to know in order to work efficiently with XML. You will see clear, practical examples that illustrate best practices in action. With this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know from the basics of reading and writing XML data to using the DOM, from LINQ and SQL Server integration to SOAP and web services.
Pro .NET 2.0 XML
(APress, April 2007)

XML is the de facto language for communication within and between distributed applications, whether they are on the Internet or a corporate network. XML is successful because of two strengths: it has a highly-structured human readable format and it can be transmitted as pure text. No matter how disparate applications and their architectures may be, text files can always be read, and therefore can accept XML data. This makes XML-based solutions advantageous over rival technologies like remoting. Pro .NET 2.0 XML is the first book to provide a complete solution to XML on the .NET Framework 2.0 including the new .NET 3.0 extensions that are being released in January 2007. It provides you with everything you need to know to take advantage of XML in every aspect of your job including integration with Windows Communication Foundation.
Developer's Guide to ASP.NET 3.5
(BinaryIntellect Consulting, November 2007)

This book is about ASP.NET 3.5. It teaches you most of the concepts that you need to make yourself up and running with ASP.NET 3.5. It looks at ASP.NET 3.5 as a complete platform for web application development. You will find many topics that are equally applicable in ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0 also. Care has been taken that you need not refer any 1.x or 2.0 book for understanding the concepts. Master ASP.NET 3.5 development using C# and Visual Studio.NET 2008. Learn ASP.NET from ground up. Design professional looking web sites with server controls, Master Pages and Themes. Develop data driven web forms with ADO.NET and data bound controls. Secure your web application with Membership and Roles. Develop AJAX spiced web sites. Write ASMX and WCF services. Understand the configuration, compilation and deployment techniques.
Developer's Guide to ASP.NET 2.0
(BinaryIntellect Consulting, November 2005)

Since Microsoft introduced ASP.NET the overall web application development is revolving around ASP.NET as far as Microsoft product based solutions are concerned. ASP.NET brought a major shift in the way applications are built and deployed. Web applications suddenly became so rich and powerful! Continuing the same wave further Microsoft has introduced ASP.NET 2.0. The new version is totally backward compatible with ASP.NET 1.x. However, it introduces some major enhancements and additions. While building version 2.0 the goal of ASP.NET team within Microsoft has been to reduce the amount of code that developers are writing today to a great degree. Version 2.0 brings more than 40 new controls and provides many new classes and concepts. With these additions ASP.NET 2.0 is poised to be stronger, flexible and powerful than ever before. This book is about ASP.NET 2.0. It teaches you most of the concepts that you need to make yourself up and running with ASP.NET 2.0. There are books that cover just the new additions to ASP.NET infrastructure. This book is different. It looks at ASP.NET 2.0 as a complete platform for web application development. You will find many topics that are equally applicable in ASP.NET 1.x also. Care has been taken that you need not refer to any 1.x book for understanding the concepts.
Pro ADO.NET with VB .NET 1.1
(APress, November 2004)

Calling all VB .NET programmers and web developers! This highly anticipated book provides thorough instruction for using ADO.NET, supported with numerous relevant code examples and extensive technical information. So whether you're developing web applications using ASP.NET, Windows Forms applications, or XML Web Services, you will become adept at maximizing .NET's data access technology. Topics include: ADO.NET data architecture; data readers, adapters, and DataSets; safer development with XML Schemas; data relationships; and ADO.NETs built-in support and performance optimization. With such valuable content, you will come to master a solution-oriented approach to ADO.NET.
Professional ADO.NET with VB.NET
(WROX Press, December 2002)

ADO.NET is Microsoft's latest data access technology and, as an integral part of the .NET Framework, is far more than just an ADO upgrade. ADO.NET provides an extensive set of .NET classes that facilitate efficient access to data in a large variety of sources, enable sophisticated manipulation and sorting of data, and form an important framework within which to implement inter-application communication. This book provides a comprehensive guide to using ADO.NET, with plenty of practical code examples and extensive technical information. Whether you're developing web applications using ASP.NET, Windows Forms applications, or XML Web Services, this book will show you how to use .NET's data access technology to maximum effect. Along the way, it looks at: Understanding the architecture of the ADO.NET data providers, Reading and writing data with data readers, data adapters and DataSets, Making development safer with XML Schemas and strongly typed DataSets, Defining constraints on and relationships between your data, Using ADO.NET's built-in support for transactional processing, Optimizing the performance and security of your ADO.NET applications, Developing your own data provider for a custom data source.
Professional XML for .NET Developers
(WROX Press, December 2001)

XML is now an established technology for the description and transportation of data, and has made a major impact on almost every aspect of software development. When Microsoft introduced the .NET Framework, they took advantage of XML wherever they could. No other technology is so tightly bound with .NET as XML, both at the developer level and underlying the whole framework. This book aims to give the reader enough information to be able to use XML from within the .NET Framework in the most efficient manner possible. It will explain in detail the usage of all the XML-related .NET Framework library classes for the manipulation, validation, transformation, and serialization of XML data, using both C# and Visual Basic .NET. It also looks at how the developer can utilize the full power of XML within the .NET Framework, for example, with the new XML capabilities of ADO.NET and ASP.NET. As is demonstrated, the .NET Framework itself uses XML, in configuration files, meta data, and C#'s XML code documentation mechanism, for example. This book is aimed at intermediate-level programmers who have started on their journey towards .NET development, and who want to see how to use XML within their applications to its best advantage. Basic knowledge of C# or Visual Basic .NET, XML, and XML related technologies (XSLT, XPath, and XML Schemas) is necessary.
Professional ADO.NET
(WROX Press, November 2001)

ADO.NET is Microsoft's latest data access technology and, as an integral part of the .NET Framework, is far more than simply an upgrade of previous incarnations of ADO. ADO.NET provides an extensive set of .NET classes that facilitate efficient access to data from a large variety of sources, enable sophisticated manipulation and sorting of data, and forms an important framework within which to implement inter-application communication and XML Web Services. This book provides a comprehensive guide to using ADO.NET, with plenty of practical code examples, extensive technical information, and a detailed case study. Whether you are developing Web Applications using ASP.NET, Windows Forms applications, or XML Web Services, this book will show you how to utilize .NET's data access technology to maximum effect.

Quick Start ASP.NET Core

Build modern professional web applications using ASP.NET Core - MVC, Razor Components, Web API, Minimal API, Identity, Entity Framework Core, and Blazor. Go here to read more.

Advanced Ajapa Yoga Kriyas and Meditations

Build your personal meditation routine step-by-step for calm and clear mind, improved focus, and blissful inner connection. Learn Ajapa Dhyana along with a set of mantras and mudras. Tap the inner fountain of bliss with the help of time proven yogic wisdom and authentic techniques. You may read more information here.